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"Signs of Spring"

Updated: Apr 18

There's something both wonderful and hopeful about the first signs of spring. From the emergence of the first snowdrops out of the depth of darkness, to the early daffodils, and lighter evenings. When the signs of spring begin to appear, it feels like we can take a deep breath and finally look foward to what lies ahead.... Spring is coming!

My latest woodland painting, named"Signs of Spring", is not only inspired by the changing seasons but also my own life.... My husband and I are finally emerging out of what has been a very long, dark and deep winter. I remember being in what was the depth of this season and wondering whether it would ever come to an end. Thankfully Jesus carried us through! After a 4 year winter, during which my husband was bedbound with debilating M.E related symptoms, we have been blessed by God with a miracle and I can gladly say that spring is well on the way! My husband is up and about again... regaining strenght every day! Winter is thankfully passing and we can look foward to lighter and brighter times ahead!

This heart-warming and original piece of wildlife art has been hand-painted on a beautiful piece of reclaimed yew. The painting is represtnative of the changing seasons and of the British woodland's coming to life following a long winter. Even in the darkest seasons, light and change will eventually come.

As with all my animal paintings, I hope to encourage, inspire and bring both light and joy into people's lives. We wouldn't have survived this recent season without hope and for me spring is always a sign of life and hope! You can view "Signs of Spring" in my Shop via this link "Signs of Spring" on Reclaimed Yew | Wildlife Art on Wood.

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